In the English language the word “pal” means friend. A “pen pal” is a person one comes to know through frequent friendly written correspondence. Pen Palestine connects youth from the Palestinian Territories with children all over the world through the exchange of handwritten letters, photos and drawings. This engaging and emotionally impactful project is open to teachers of children aged 8–18 who are ready to lead their students on a journey through the exchange of stories, dreams and ideas.
The project was started several years ago by Heather La Mastro, a teacher in Berkeley, California, who decided to connect her students at a Jewish community center with children in Gaza.
Mission Statement

Considering the high population of children living in the Palestinian Territories, it is our goal to send one million letters to youth in Gaza and the West Bank and provide the opportunity for friendship, positive social and emotional support, and foster a stronger sense of identity and cultural pride.